Bara2 · عضو جديد

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اسم المستخدم


  • Our software has been chosen to participate in the festival, only 25 projects have been chosen & our software was one of them. After the festival which was in 28th-April in Zayed's University in Abu-dhabi. we won & got the second position. A…
  • We have completed our software. You can watch a snap here I just wanted to thank everyone had helped us to complete this software. Thank you "Doctors"
  • شكراً كتير عاللينك وربنا يوفقكم بالدراسة ^_^
  • تاني موضوع بدنا نصممه بالبرنامج 2. آلام الظهر (Back Pain) I've read those two articles about back pain causes, effects, preventions, Treatments, kinds. & I guess I've understood them well. I had some problem with medical vocabularies. But…
  • نحنا حنتخصص بمواضيع معينة وهادي المواضيع بتفيد أي إنسان معافى 1) أول موضوع قلت عنه Weight Management أنا بديت أقرأ عنه وكتبت الكود لكن في أشيا مو قادرة أفهمها. 1. أول شي لازم أحسب قيمة ال BMI لحتى أعرف اذا كان اليوزر بحاجة لتنحيف أو قديه ب…
  • Topics covered in my software: 1. Weight Management (fitness) - calculating the BMI (Body Mass Index) of the user which is a fat indicator according to this equation. Body Mass index (BMI) = Weight in kilograms / (height in meters) ^ 2 - The sof…