
PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
تم تعديل 2010/08/03 في أدوية Drugs

Sulbutiamine (brand name: Arcalion) is a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1).

As a dimer of two modified thiamine molecules, it is a lipophilic compound that crosses the blood-brain barrier more readily than thiamine and increases the levels of thiamine and thiamine phosphate esters in the brain.

Sulbutiamine was discovered in Japan in an effort to develop more useful thiamine derivatives since it was hoped that increasing the lipophilicity of thiamine would result in better pharmacokinetic properties.

Sulbutiamine is a drug that is mostly indicated for the treatment of Asthenia or loss of physical strength.

It is also found useful by athletes and exercise enthusiasts as a reliable fatigue buster.

Sulbutiamine can be obtained with or without prescription. Its over-the-counter sale encouraged a lot of people to use it as a nutritional supplement.

Aside from its benefits in reducing fatigue, Sulbutiamine has also been found to improve memory difficulties. It also has effects in intellectual tiredness. As such, Sulbutiamine is also used in schizophrenic and Parkinson’s disease patients

Several tests and researches have shown that Sulbutiamine has sufficient effects in cognition. That is where the use of it in psychiatric conditions mentioned above was based. Sulbutiamine improves memory amazingly and has been, since then, used by patients to improve their quality of life through a revitalized brain function.

In case of over-the-counter drugs like Sulbutiamine, you have the freedom to take it anytime you want. But still, you need to be careful.

Sulbutiamine is available in tablet form of different strengths. The dosage recommendation is 12.5mg per body kilogram. There are other brands, however, that advice the use of not more than 600mg of Sulbutiamine a day.

Since this is an over-the-counter drug, you only base on dosage recommendation found at the back of the label. If you want to get specific advice, consult a medical professional.

Take Sulbutiamine regularly as advised. Never take more than you should per day. Overdose is dangerous even for such a non-prescription drug as Sulbutiamine.

معنى ذلك من خلال الدراسات والابحاث تمكنا من تخليق مركب يعطى تاثير ال vitamin B1 ولكنو مختلف عنو فى شئ واحد فقط انو lipophilic اما فيتامين B1 يعتبر water soluble vitamin


  • nehadnehad مشرف منتدى التغذية و الطب البديل
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    هل هذه صيغته

  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    الله يعطيك العافيه دوك .......... تخيل كان مطلوب منا حفظ التركيب ........ لكن حاليا انا اكتفى انى still اعرف اسمى خماسى ... احمد الله
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/08/01
    مقال مميز و موضوع جديد عليي بصراحة ..شكراً فارما على الإفادة ..
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/08/01
    ده له اسم تجارى ف السوق عندنا اسمو arcalion وبيطلع OTC
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/08/01
    طيب فارما أهم إستخدام يوصف له هذا الدواء ما هو ؟!
  • pharmapharmapharmapharma عضو جديد
    تم تعديل 2010/08/01
    يعطيكي العافيه دكتوره ساره على الموضوع الحلو بصراحه انا ناسيته عاشت الايادي.نحن في انتظار جديدكم المفيد
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/08/03
    حبيبتى نورتينى .... نسيتى ايه ؟؟؟

    دوك حازم ... بيستخدم dietry suplement كمقوى عام لانو عباره عن فيتامين B 1

    Sulbutiamine is a drug that is mostly indicated for the treatment of Asthenia or loss of physical strength. يعنى الوهن والضعف العام بالجسم
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/08/03
    شكراً على الرد ..أنا كنت عم قول إذا ممكن يستخدم بآلام الأعصاب كمرمم مترافق مع b12
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/08/03
    ممكن بس ...... اهو كلو فيتامينات