dental paths summary 3

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Relates to any condition that does not conform to the normal bite relationship of the upper and lower teeth.

The lower jaw.

Pertaining to the lower jaw.

Pertaining to the area at which a prepared tooth structure ends and the restoration of choice begins.
Maryland Bridge

A bridge prosthesis that is bonded or cemented to the minimally prepared surfaces of the adjacent teeth.

The chewing and mixing of food with saliva.

The processing of chewing.

The upper jaw.

Pertaining to the upper jaw.

Pertaining to the position of a tooth surface nearest the midline (junction between the central incisors) of the mouth.
Mixed Dentition

The state when both permanent and deciduous teeth (baby teeth) are simultaneously present in the mouth.

Multi-cusped back teeth used to grind and masticate food.
Mouth guard

A removable prosthetic device worn in the mouth. Can be fabricated in a soft or hard acrylic material. Hard and soft acrylic mouth guards can be worn to prevent clenching and grinding of the teeth. Protective sport guards are usually soft and pliable.


Pertaining to the tooth pulp, which consist of the nerve tissue and blood vessels.
Night Guard

A removable acrylic (soft/hard) prosthesis. Worn whilst asleep to prevent the grinding of teeth to relieve joint pain. Also known as a occlusal guard.
Nitrous Oxide (inhalation sedation)

(see laughing gas).


The uppermost chewing or grinding surface of a molar and/or premolar tooth.
Occlusal Guard

(see night guard).
Occlusal Plane

The plane created by the occlusal surfaces of the upper and lower teeth when they meet.

The alignment of the upper and lower teeth when they bite together.

A restoration that extends to cover or replace one or more of the cusps of a tooth. It can be fabricated in a precious metal alloy (gold) , porcelain or composite resin.
Open Bite

A malocclusion where the front teeth do not meet on closing.
Oral Hygiene

The maintenance of cleanliness of the mouth via tooth brushing, flossing and rinsing.
Oral Sedation

A medication taken orally to relax the patient.
Oral Surgery

Dental procedures that involve surgery (extraction/cyst removal/apicectomy/biopsy).

A specialised field of dentistry that aims to correct irregularities in the position of teeth and the bite (usually involves the use of braces).

A dental surgeon specialising in the practice of orthodontics.

The vertical degree of overlap between the upper and lower teeth when they meet on closing.

A denture that fits over and completely covers the retained tooth roots or dental implants to enhance retention.

The portion of a restoration that hangs beyond the border of the tooth.

Pertaining to the greatest horizontal distance in the sagittal plane between the upper and lower front teeth when the teeth are in centric occlusion.


A specialised field of dentistry pertaining to the treatment of dental disease in children. Also referred to as paediatric dentistry.

Soft and hard tissues that form the roof or uppermost part of the mouth.
Panoral radiograph

An X-ray that shows all of the teeth and the supporting bony structures on one film.
Partial Denture

A removable prosthesis that replaces one or more missing teeth. It can be fabricated from acrylic only or acrylic supported on a metallic substructure.
Periapical radiograph

An X-ray film that is small enough to show the whole tooth from the crown to the root apex.

An inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the crown of an erupting tooth.

Relating to the tissues that support the teeth (associated gum and bone).
Periodontal Disease

The inflammation and/or infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two forms of periodontal disease.
Periodontal Pocket

A pocket that forms when disease and infection destroy the ligament that attaches the gum to the tooth and bone.
Periodontal Surgery

A minor oral surgical procedure involving the gums.

The field of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases affecting the gums, supporting bone, ligaments and surrounding tissues.

A specialist dental surgeon who treats the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.

Inflammation of the supporting structures of the tooth, including the gum, the periodontal ligament and the jaw bone. This advanced form of gum disease can lead to bone loss that will result in tooth mobility or loss if untreated.
Permanent Dentition

The teeth that replace the primary (baby) teeth, also known as secondary teeth. They usually number thirty-two in total.
Permanent Teeth

(see permanent dentition).

Pertaining to a metal/ceramic peg usually threaded, used to aid the retention of a restoration.
Pit (fissures)

(see fissures).

Pertaining to a mixture of bacteria and saliva that attaches to the tooth surface. If not removed it will accumulate causing gum disease and lead to tooth decay.

Pertaining to a process to clean and make smoother both teeth and their restorations.

Pertaining to the false teeth on a bridge prosthesis that replaces a missing tooth.
Porcelain Crown

A full coverage indirect restoration fabricated in porcelain. Can be used to cover a crown of a tooth in order to repair or alter its contour and shade.
Porcelain fused to precious metal (bonded crown)

Pertaining to a crown restoration where the outer covering of porcelain is fused to a precious metal substructure. This makes it stronger than a purely porcelain crown.
Porcelain Inlay

An indirect tooth coloured porcelain restoration used to restore a decayed or malformed tooth surface.
Porcelain Jacket

(see porcelain crown)
Porcelain Veneer Restoration

A facing fabricated from porcelain that is bonded to the surface of a tooth to repair it and/or alter its contour and shade.

Pertaining to a preformed or cast metal pin which is inserted into the root-filled, root canal of a tooth to provide a retentive substructure for a definitive restoration.

(see post).

A combination of two structures or a single structure (integral post-crown) consisting of a post-core and crown.

Pertaining to a position in the back of the mouth.
Posterior Teeth

The teeth at the back of the mouth (premolars and molars).
Premolar (bicuspid)

The teeth which lie between the canines and molars having two cusps, they usually number eight in total, two in each quadrant.

Pertaining to a written statement to a pharmacist relating the type, amount and direction of the use of a medication. It can also be a statement indicating the require appliance from a dental technician or the treatment requested by a dentist from dental auxiliaries (hygienists/therapists).
Primary Teeth

(see baby teeth).

Pertaining to a pointed instrument used to explore and examine the teeth and restorations.

Pertaining to the cleaning and polishing of teeth.

Relating to a dental appliance/restoration replacing missing teeth and/or their associated structures.

A specialist field of dentistry relating to the design, fabrication and fitting of dental prostheses.

A dental surgeon who specialises in the restoration of teeth and the replacement of missing teeth.

Pertaining to the surface of a tooth adjacent to a dental structure. Hence, the space between adjacent teeth is referred to as the interproximal space.

(see nerve).
Pulp Chamber

The innermost part of a tooth crown, containing the nerve tissue and blood vessels. The root canals are extensions of the pulp chamber.

The removal of the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals.

Inflammation of the pulp.

The removal of the pulp from the pulp chamber.
(see periodontitis).


Pertaining to the division of the mouth into four parts. The quadrants extend from the central incisor to the last molar tooth. There are two in the upper jaw (left side and right side) and two in the lower jaw (left side and right side).

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