Human Albumin

dr.joandr.joan عضو ماسي
تم تعديل 2009/06/28 في أدوية الطوارئ Emergency drugs
Human Albumin :
Trade names: Human albumin 20% Biotest low salt content
Class: Blood volume expander, plasma protein fraction,
Pregnancy: (Category C)

§ Plasma substitute
§ It contribute to oncotic pressure of the blood and transport function
§ Albumin stabilizes circulating blood volume and is a carrier of hormones, enzymes, medicinal products
§ shock, post surgery,
§ Nephrotic syndrome,
§ burns,
§ coma,
§ liver cirrhosis,
§ premature infants, and
§ Hyper bilirubinemia.
Hypoalbuminemia 1 g /kg /day IV infusion over 1-2 hours
Side effects:
Mild reactions such as flush, urticaria, fever and nausea
Nursing considerations:
v Do not use the solutions which are cloudy or have deposits
This means that the protein is unstable or that the solution becomes contaminated.
v If large amount of solution used the bottle should be warmed to the room temperature or body temperature before use
v Monitor for side effects or any reactions.