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Interactions with Calcium Carbonate
Brand names: Alka-Mints[OTC]; Amitone[OTC]; Cal Carb-HD[OTC]; Cal-Plus[OTC]; Calci-Chew[OTC]; Calci-Mix[OTC]; Calciday-667[OTC]; Caltrate, Jr.[OTC]; Caltrate 600 [OTC]; Chooz[OTC]; Dicarbosil[OTC]; Equilet[OTC]; Florical[OTC]; Gencalc 600 [OTC]; Mallamint[OTC]; Nephro-Calci[OTC]; Os-Cal 500 [OTC]; Oyst-Cal 500 [OTC]; Oystercal 500; Rolaids Calcium Rich [OTC]; Tums E-X Extra Strength Tablet [OTC]; Tums Extra Strength Liquid [OTC]; Tums[OTC]


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Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin D