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Potassium Iodide
U.S. Brand Names
Generic Available
Pharmacological Index
Pregnancy Risk Factor
Adverse Reactions
Drug Interactions
Mechanism of Action
Usual Dosage
Monitoring Parameters
Dental Health: Local Anesthetic/Vasoconstrictor Precautions
Dental Health: Effects on Dental Treatment
Patient Information
Nursing Implications
Dosage Forms

(poe TASS ee um EYE oh dide)

U.S. Brand Names
Pima®; SSKI®; Thyro-Block®

Generic Available


KI; Lugol's Solution; Strong Iodine Solution

Pharmacological Index

Antithyroid Agent; Cough Preparation; Expectorant


Facilitate bronchial drainage and cough; reduce thyroid vascularity prior to thyroidectomy and management of thyrotoxic crisis; block thyroidal uptake of radioactive isotopes of iodine in a radiation emergency

Pregnancy Risk Factor



Known hypersensitivity to iodine; hyperkalemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary edema, bronchitis, impaired renal function


Prolonged use can lead to hypothyroidism; cystic fibrosis patients have an exaggerated response; can cause acne flare-ups, can cause dermatitis, some preparations may contain sodium bisulfite (allergy); use with caution in patients with a history of thyroid disease, patients with renal failure, or GI obstruction

Adverse Reactions

1% to 10%:

Dermatologic: Urticaria, acne, angioedema, cutaneous hemorrhage

Endocrine & metabolic: Goiter with hypothyroidism

Gastrointestinal: Metallic taste, GI upset, soreness of teeth and gums

Hematologic: Eosinophilia, hemorrhage (mucosal)

Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia

Respiratory: Rhinitis

Miscellaneous: Lymph node enlargement


Symptoms of overdose include angioedema, laryngeal edema in patients with hypersensitivity; muscle weakness, paralysis, peaked T waves, flattened P waves, prolongation of QRS complex, ventricular arrhythmias

Removal of potassium can be accomplished by various means; removal through the GI tract with Kayexalate® administration; by way of the kidney through diuresis, mineralocorticoid administration or increased sodium intake; by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis; or by shifting potassium back into the cells by insulin and glucose infusion.

Drug Interactions

Increased toxicity: Lithium additive hypothyroid effects


Store in tight, light-resistant containers at temperature <40°C; freezing should be avoided

Mechanism of Action

Reduces viscosity of mucus by increasing respiratory tract secretions; inhibits secretion of thyroid hormone, fosters colloid accumulation in thyroid follicles


Onset of action: 24-48 hours

Peak effect: 10-15 days after continuous therapy

Duration: May persist for up to 6 weeks

Elimination: In euthyroid patient, renal clearance rate is 2 times that of the thyroid

Usual Dosage



Children: 60-250 mg every 6-8 hours; maximum single dose: 500 mg

Adults: 300-650 mg 2-3 times/day

Preoperative thyroidectomy: Children and Adults: 50-250 mg (1-5 drops SSKI®) 3 times/day or 0.1-0.3 mL (3-5 drops) of strong iodine (Lugol's solution) 3 times/day; administer for 10 days before surgery

Thyrotoxic crisis:

Infants <1 year: 150-250 mg (3-5 drops SSKI®) 3 times/day

Children and Adults: 300-500 mg (6-10 drops SSKI®) 3 times/day or 1 mL strong iodine (Lugol's solution) 3 times/day



Preschool: 50 mg/dose 3 times/day

Children: 250 mg/dose 3 times/day

Adults: 500 mg/dose 3 times/day

Oral increase 50 mg/dose daily

Maximum dose:

Preschool: 500 mg/dose 3 times/day

Children and Adults: 1-2 g/dose 3 times/day

Continue treatment for 4-6 weeks after lesions have completely healed

Monitoring Parameters

Thyroid function tests

Dental Health: Local Anesthetic/Vasoconstrictor Precautions

No information available to require special precautions

Dental Health: Effects on Dental Treatment

No effects or complications reported

Patient Information

Take after meals. Dilute in 6 oz of water, fruit juice, milk, or broth. Do not chew tablets; swallow whole. Do not exceed recommended dosage. You may experience a metallic taste. Discontinue use and report stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, black or tarry stools, or unresolved weakness. Pregnancy/breast-feeding precautions: Use appropriate contraceptive measures; do not get pregnant while taking this drug (serious fetal damage has occurred). Consult prescriber if breast-feeding.

Nursing Implications

Must be diluted before administration of 240 mL of water, fruit juice, milk, or broth

Dosage Forms

Solution, oral:

SSKI®: 1 g/mL (30 mL, 240 mL, 473 mL)

Lugol's solution, strong iodine: 100 mg/mL with iodine 50 mg/mL (120 mL)

Syrup: 325 mg/5 mL

Tablet: 130 mg


"Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in a Radiation Emergency: Final Recommendations on Use," Washington DC, Bureau of Radiological Health and Bureau of Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, 1982.

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