اسئلة امتحان في طب الأسنان

دكتوربالفطرةدكتوربالفطرة عضو مميز
تم تعديل 2010/04/25 في امتحانات Medical Exams
a-LESS STABLE THAN polysulfide
b-==== stiff than ===========
c-can absorb water and swell

2-the following r multilocular radiolucencies in x-ray except:
a- ameloplastoma
b- odontogenic keratocyst
c- adenomatoid odontogenic cyst
d- myxoma

3- in class 3 jaw relation in edentulous pt :
a- it will effect size of maxillary teeth
b- affect retention of lower denture
c- ====== esthetic and arrangement of maxillary denture
d- all of the above

4- in class 1 partially edentulous lower arch selection of major
connector depend on :
a- heigh of lingual attachment
b- mandibular tori
c- periodontal condition of remaaining teeth
d- all the above

5- endomethasone is aroot canal sealer that:
a- dissolv in flud so it weaken the root canal filling
b- very toxic contain formaldehyde
c- contain corticosteroids
d- all the above

6- cause that master G.P not reach working length although
it is the same size of last file:
a- dentin debris
b- ledge formation
c- a & b
d- non of the above

7- small access opening in upper centeral incisor lead to :
a- complete removal of the pulp
b- in complete removal == ====
c- conservative restoration

8- in sickle cell anemia O2 decreased in oral mucosa:
a- true
b- false

9- in singel rooted teeth with R.C.T best restoration is:
a- casted post & core
b- prefabricated post and amalgam
c- ============= == = composite
d- composite post and core without dowel

10- selection of shade for composite is done :
a- under light
b- after drying tooth & isolation with rubber dam
c- non of the above

11- in class v composite restoration alayer of bonding agent
is applied :
a- following removal of cement then cured
b- ======== ==== = ==== and not cured
c- cured then removed cement

12- bacteria in root canal pathosis:
a- mixed anaerobe and aerobe
b- singel obligate anaerobe
c- aerobic
d- non of the above

13- irrigation solution for R.C.T that cause protein
coagulation is :
a- sodium hypochlorite
b- iodine potassium
c- non of the above

14- occlusal rest function:
a- to resist lateral chewing movement
b- == ==== vertical forces
c- stability
d- retention

15- time of curing detine:
a- 10 sec
b- 15 ==
c- 30 ==
d- 60 ==

16- toothgerm of primary teeth arise frome :
a- dental lamina
b- dental follicle
c- enamel organ
d- epithelial cell of malassez

17- reparative dentine :
a- 2nd dentine
b- formed as dentine bridge above the pulp
c- high tubular dentine and it is defective frome the frist dentine
d- sclerosing dentine with less permeability
what is the cavo-surface angle of prep for amalgam resto-1
a-30 degree
b- 60 degree
**c- 90 degree
d- 130 degree

when you do amalgam finishing.....
a- immediately
**b- 24 hours later

when polishing amalgam rest .....
1- avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste
2- wait for 24 hours
**a- 1&2
b- 2 only
c- 1 only

- what is the copper ratio that eliminates gamma phase 2:
a- 2% copper
b- 4% copper
c- 10 % copper
***d- 13 % copper

sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry 4th ed page 149
هو ما قالها صراحه بس قال ال high copper amalgam يحتوي على 13% copper

Q- pit and fissure sealants are indicated to prevent dental caries in pits and fissure:
a- in primary teeth
***b- in permanent teeth
c- a & b

sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry 4th ed page 187--190
ما ذكر ابدا انه ينعمل للprimary teeth كلامه كله على الpermenant >>>مع انه افتكر كانو في البيدو يخلونا نحط على الprimary>> صح ليه ما نقدر نحط؟؟؟؟

Q- what is the best instrument used for removing UN SUPPORTED enamel at the gingival wall of class II:
a- chisel
b- hatchet
***c- gingival marginal trimmer

sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry 4th ed page 315

Q- teeth that have lost pits and fissure sealant show…
a- the same susceptibility to caries as teeth that have not been sealed
b- higher susceptibility than non sealed teeth
c- lower susceptibility than non sealed teeth
d- the same susceptibility as teeth with full retained sealant

the periodontal tissue compromise which of the following tissue:
a- gingiva and PDL
b- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone
***c- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone & cementum
d- gingiva and PDL & alveolar bone & cementum & enamel

Page 15 clinical periodontology 9th edition

Q- which of the following may cause gingival enlargement
***a- phenyntoin (dilantin)
***b- cyclosporine
**c- nifedipine ( a calcium channel blocker)
d- aspirin
e- none of the above

clinical periodontology 9th edition page 65
a- phenyntoin is anti convulsant agent
b- cyclosporine is immunosuppressive drug
الاسبيرن ما كان مذكور من ضمنهم بس اول ثلاثه اكيد يعملون enlargement

Q- the function of the periodontal ligament include
a- mechanical function
b- formative function
c- nutritive function
d- sensory function
**e- all of the above
clinical periodontology 9th edition page 39

Q- periodontally involved root surface must be root planed to
a- remove the attached plaque and calculus
b- remove the necrotic cementum
c- change the root surface to become biocompatible
d- all of the above
e- a & b only

الخيار a &c اكيد صح بس b فيه لبس لانه ما قال انه السيمنتم necrotic بس قال يصير عليه toxic substance فهل نعتبرها صح او خطأ ....رأيكم الكريم لو سمحتو..........
clinical periodontology 9th edition page 631-632

Q- pt on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical procedure because
a- the pt is more susceptible to infection
b- antibiotics are synergistic to steroids
c- antibiotic inhibits kerksheimer reaction
d-antibiotic protect the pt from steroid depletion

early squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity present as:
a- vesicle
b- sessile mass
c- a red plaque
**d- an ulcer
e- a white cauliflower like lesion

white and pharaoh, oral radiology principles and interpretation,4th ed, 423
كاتب انه بدايه ممكن يكون
white or red irregular patchy lesion,with time it exhibit central ULCERATION

Q- which of the following lesions has more tendency to show well defined multilocular radiolucency:
a- lateral periodontal cyst
b- squamous cell carcinoma of jaw bones
c- primordial cyst
**d- ameloblastoma
e- osteomylitis of the mandible

white and pharaoh, oral radiology principles and interpretation,4th ed , page 386-389

Q- firm, fixed neck nodes are most to be detected in association with:
a- an ameloblastoma
b- a basal cell carcinoma
c- an odontogenic fibroma
d- a squamous cell carcinoma

......palpaple lymph node in neck that is firm, painfull and fixed is a sign of malignancy
الحين b&d كلهم malignant .....مين الصح فيهم يا ترى؟؟؟؟

a- no PDL
b- caused by trauma
c- extracted surgically
**d- all of the above

the following medical conditions may precipitate a syncope:
2- mild hyperglycemia
3- anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent
4- anti depressant therapy

a- 1 only is correct
b- 1& 2 are correct
c- 2,3 &4 are correct
d-1,2,3 &4 are correct

Q- one of the main features of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is the ulcers are confined to the attached gingival and hard palate:
a- true
b- false

Q- radiographic diagnosis of bilateral expansile radio opaque areas in the canine-premolar region of the mandible is:

b- remaining roots
c- tours mandibularis
d- internal oplique ridge
e- genial tubercle

community .............

Q- dental carries is an endemic disease "means that the disease is:
a- occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy
b- is habitually present in human population
c- affect large number of countries simultaneously
d- exhibit a seasonal pattern

Q- in countries with higher annual population growth rates, the need for community –based preventive programs would be greater for:
a- dental caries
b-periodontal disease
c- dentofacial anomalies
d- dental floozies

منقول حرفيا تقريبا


  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/04/16
    شكراً دكتور و جزالك الله عنّا كل الخير...
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/04/16
    شكراً أبو فرات و جزاك الله عنّا كل الخير..
  • Dr.AhmadDr.Ahmad مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/04/16
    الله يجزيك الخير حكيم أكيد هالشي مهم لطلاب الاسنان ....... لانو دائما هيك اسئلة هي محرك بحث هام للطلاب
  • dr.Alidr.Ali مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/04/17
    فعلاً أسئلة جميلة و قابلة للمناقشة
    مشكور دكتور
    رح نترك للأعضاء الفرصة للتفكير
  • دكتوربالفطرةدكتوربالفطرة عضو مميز
    تم تعديل 2010/04/18
    مشكورين اخواني الدكاترة لمروركم العطر
  • دكتوربالفطرةدكتوربالفطرة عضو مميز
    تم تعديل 2010/04/25
    مجموعة أسئلة من امتحانات غربية والاجوبة الموجودة هي أجوبة الطلاب
    Daily cleaning of root surface by the patient has been shown to
    a. cause root sensitivity
    bcause root resorption
    c. stimbulates epi attachment
    d. allow remineralization of root surface**

    most stable elastic impresson in moisture environment??
    2-additional silicon
    3-condensation silicon
    1.A lateral cephalometric radiograph for a patient
    with a 3mm anterior functional shift should be
    taken with the patient in
    A. maximum intercuspation.
    B. initial contact.
    C. normal rest position.
    D. maximum opening.
    E. protrusive position.

    2.a characteristic of the periodontium which allows safe temporary separation of the teeth is the
    a. nature of acellular cementum
    b. elasticity of bone
    c. modified continuous eruption
    d. passive eruption

    3.which of the following patients should be referred for orthodontic treatment to close a diastema between maxillary central incisors?
    1. an 8 yr old with no oral habits
    2. a 14 yr old with no abnormal oral habits**
    3. 3 yr old with a 4mm overjet
    4. an 8 yr old with previous thumb habit

    4.Which of the following would be a
    CONTRAINDICATION for the use of a resin
    bonded fixed partial denture (acid etched
    bridge or “Maryland Bridge”)?
    A. Class II malocclusion.
    B. An opposing free end saddle
    removable partial.
    C. Previous orthodontic treatment.
    D. Heavily restored abutment.**

    5.a patient has a high caries index, short crowns and minimum horizontal overlap. What restoration will you plce
    a. 3/4 frown
    b. jacket crown
    c. PFM**
    d. resin bonded retainer

    6.how do you surgically treat a skeletal one bite
    a. osteotomy
    b. anterior maxillary surgery
    c. Le Fort 1
    d. Le Fort 2

    7.which of the following is a definite sign of traumatic occlusion
    a. bone loss
    b. gingival recession
    c. wear facets**
    d. food impaction

    8.what does an interrupted suture accomplished
    a. brings the flap closer
    b. covers all exposed bone
    c. immobilized the flap**
    daily cleaning of the root surface by the patient has been shown to
    a. cause root sensitivity
    b. cause root resorption
    c. stimulates the epithelial attachment
    d. allow remineralization of the root surface. **

    Trismus is most frequently caused by
    A. tetanus.
    B. muscular dystrophy. **
    C. infection.
    D. mandibular fracture.

    Studer-Weber syndrome
    a. mandibular retro
    b. midface ecto
    c. maxillary prog **

    a light force applied to the periodontal ligament during orthodontic treatment is considered
    a. intermittent
    b. direct
    c. continuous **
    d. indirect

    in a full upper denture the post palatal seal is determined by
    a. the technician
    b. the depth of the vibration line **
    c. 2-3mm

    histologically, the loss of the rete peg often is a sign of
    a. pemphigus
    b. lichen planus **
    c. pemphigoid
    d. syphills

    the most common reason for fracture of an amalgam in class 2 pedo molar toth
    a. insufficient deth **
    b. saliva contamination during condensation
    d. line angle too sharp

    1) Compared with unstimulated saliva,stimulated saliva is benefical of high level of ?
    A calcium
    B phosphate
    C PH
    D mucin

    1 A) If you have a pt with 3 units bridge( FPD) and when you see them you note that this bridge looks to yellow in references to the other teeth next to it. What will you say?

    2) The maximum percentage of N2O recommended in pediatric patient
    a. 20%
    b. 30%
    c. 50%**
    d. 40%
    e. 70%

    3) Which of the following materials is most likely to cause adverse pulpal reaction when placed directly in a deep cavity preparation?
    1 dental amalgam
    2 composite resin
    3 calcium hydroxide
    4 ZnOE**
    5 Polycarboxylate cement

    4). Correction of an inadequate zone of attached gingiva on several adjacent teeth is best
    accomplished with a/an
    A. apically repositioned flap. right one ????
    B. laterally positioned sliding flap.
    C. double-papilla pedicle graft.
    D. coronally positioned flap.
    E. free gingival graft.

    5) Three carpules (2ml/40mg/ml) of local anesthetic x are required to obtain adequate local anethesia. To obtain the same degree of anesthesia with local anesthetic y, five carpules (2ml carpules, 40mg/ml) are required. If no other information about the two drugs is available, then it is accurate to say that drug x:

    a. is more potent than y
    b. is less potent than drug y
    c. is more efficacious than y
    d. is less efficacious than drug y
    e. x & y are = in potency/ efficacy

    6) What cannot be advertised by a general dentist?

    7) Carious lesions are most likely to develop if a
    patient has
    A. a high lactobacillus count.
    B. saliva with low buffering capacity.
    C. plaque on his teeth**
    D. lactic acid in his mouth.

    8) With the development of gingivitis, the sulcus
    becomes predominantly populated by
    A. gram-positive organisms.
    B. gram-negative organisms. **
    C. diplococcal organisms.
    D. spirochetes.

    9) Which of the following microorganisms are most
    frequently found in infected root canals?
    A. Streptococcus viridans
    B. Staphylococcus aureus.
    C. Lactobacilli.
    D.. Enterococci.
    E. Staphylococcus albus.

    10)chief mechanism by which the body
    metabolizes short-acting barbiturates is
    A. oxidation
    B. reduction.
    C. hydroxylation and oxidation.
    D. sequestration in the body fats.

    11) Hyperplastic lingual tonsils may resemble which
    of the following?
    A. Epulis fissuratum.
    B. Lingual varicosities.
    C. Squamous cell carcinoma
    D. Median rhomboid glossitis.
    E. Prominent fungiform papillae.

    12) Administration of pure oxygen to a patient with a depressed respiratory center can be dangerous because it may
    1. damage lung tissue
    2. destroy the respiratory center
    3. overstmulate the respiratory center
    4. depress the release of carbon dioxide
    5. remove the remaining stimulus for respiration

    13)Which of the following causes bone loss?

    1 C3a, C5a
    2 Endotoxin
    3 Interleukin
    4 B glucorinidase

    14) The drinking water supply of a community has a natural f level of .6ppm.the f level is raised by .4ppm. tooth decay is expected to decrease by what % after 7 years?
    ans is 40% how????

    15) How do you surgically treat a skeletal one bite?
    anterior maxillary surgery
    le fort I
    le fort I
    1. A 77 years old female 110 lbs weight requires removal of mandibular teeth under local anesthesia. She is apprehensive. The appropriate dose of i/v diazepam to sedate her?

    A 5 mg
    b 10 mg <-
    c 15 mg
    d 20 mg
    هذا السؤال جرت مناقشات عليه يرجى التأكد من الاجابة
    2. 88 lbs patient is given 2 cartridges 1.8 ml each of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine. Approximate what % of maximum dosage allowed for this patient was administered ?

    A 10%
    b 20%
    c 40%**
    D 60%

    4.4mg/kg, so 88lb would be 88/2.3= 38.26*4.4 = 168 is his max dose
    so % of max dosage allowed for this pt would be, amount of lidocaine he was given divided by max amt allowed for him,, so he was given, 36+36=72mgs,, so 72/168*100 = 42

    5. The disto buccal root apex of maxillary 3rd molar accidentally dislodged beyond the socket. The root apex may be in:

    A canine fossax
    b maxiallry sinus
    c intratemporal fossa <-
    d between periosteum and buccal plate above socket wall

    6. Elevator can be used to advantage when:
    A interdental bone is used as fulcrum
    b multiple adjacent teeth are to be extracted <-

    7. Maximum recommended dosage of lidocaine hcl injected subcutaneously ( not i/v)when combined with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine is:

    A 100 mg
    b 300 mg <-
    c 500 mg
    d 1 gram