Kaolin poultice

PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
تم تعديل 2011/01/08 في الصيدلانيات Pharmaceutics
Cataplasma Kaolini, B.P.C.—KAOLIN POULTICE.


Kaolin, China Clay, Bolus Alba, or Porcelain Clay, is a fine, white clay, which consists chiefly of aluminium silicate.
It is also official in the U.S.P. It is derived from the decomposition of the felspar of granitic rocks, and contains approximately 47 per cent. of silica, 40 per cent. of alumina, and 13 per cent. of water.
It is found in large quantities in Cornwall, and is freed from gritty particles by elutriation.

It occurs as a soft, white, or slightly yellowish-white, powder, which is odourless when dry, but develops a clay-like odour when moistened.

Kaolin poultice is used as a cleanly and antiseptic substitute for Cataplasma Lini
. The poultice is made hot and applied with a spatula in a thin layer, and covered with cotton wool or lint.

CALOPLAST (Kaolin Poultice)

Each 10 g contains:
Glycerin 4,25 g
Boric Acid 0,45 g

Combines the mild antiseptic properties of boric acid with glycerin, whose hygroscopic action absorbs moisture from the skin, drawing to the surface the cause of the inflammation.

The treatment of boils, carbuncles and other inflammatory skin conditions.

For external use only.
Remove lid and stand container in boiling water, taking care that the water does not enter. Stir the poultice to ensure uniform heat. When the poultice is as hot as can be borne, spread over the affected part in a layer about 3 mm thick. Cover with cotton wool (or lint) and an impervious dressing. Keep in position for 12 hours.

Because glycerin has a much higher boiling point than water, the Caloplast can be raised to a temperature high enough to cause serious injury. Care should be taken in applying the Caloplast.


  • dr.Alidr.Ali مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2011/01/07
    على فكرة الكاولين يستخدم في بعض مواد طب الأسنان
  • nehadnehad مشرف منتدى التغذية و الطب البديل
    تم تعديل 2011/01/07
    حسب علمي استخدامه خارجي كيف تستخدمونه للأسنان فهو لمعالجة الدمامل والالتهابات الجلدية
  • ميرةميرة المشرفة العامة
    تم تعديل 2011/01/07
    مشكووورة سارة ..
  • dr.Alidr.Ali مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2011/01/08
    بالتأكيد حكيم نهاد استعماله خارجي
    هو فقط بيدخل بتركيب بعض المواد وبالأخص مواد الطبع الدقيق (مواد الطبعات)
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2011/01/08
    نورت بعودتك سارة ....
  • nehadnehad مشرف منتدى التغذية و الطب البديل
    تم تعديل 2011/01/08
    شكرا للتوضيح د0علي