Piracetam (Nootropil)

PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
تم تعديل 2010/09/12 في أدوية Drugs
Piracetam (Nootropil) improves brain function and stimulates the central nervous system without any toxicity or addictive properties.

Piracetam is a member of the class of drugs known as nootropics or 'smart drugs'. Nootropics are known commonly as cognitive enhancers, improving cognitive functions of the brain such as memory, attention and intelligence.

Piracetam also has a beneficial effect upon the brain's Corpus Callosum. This is the area of the brain that joins the two hemispheres, linking the logical side of the brain with the creative side of the brain, allowing the user to draw on greater brain potential.

Piracetam has been used successfully to treat alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal syndrome in animals and man.

It has brought improvement, or slowed deterioration, in ‘senile involution’ dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Piracetam has improved recovery from aphasia (speech impairment) after stroke, and restored various functions (use of limbs, speech, EEG, state of consciousness) in people suffering from acute and chronic cerebral ischaemia (decreased brain blood flow).

Piracetam has improved alertness, co-operation, socialisation and IQ in elderly psychiatric patients suffering from ‘mild diffuse cerebral impairment.’

Piracetam has increased reading comprehension and accuracy in dyslexic children.

It increased memory and verbal learning in dyslexic children, as well as speed and accuracy of reading, writing and spelling.

Piracetam potentiated the anticonvulsant action of various anti-epileptic drugs in both animals and man, while also eliminating cognitive deficits induced by anti-epileptic drugs in humans. It has improved mental performance in ‘aging, non-deteriorated individuals’ suffering only from ‘middle-aged forgetfulness’.

Elderly out-patients suffering from ‘age-associated memory impairment’ given Piracetam showed significant improvement in memory consolidation and recall.

Piracetam reversed typical EEG slowing associated with ‘normal’ and pathological human aging, increasing alpha and beta (fast) EEG activity and reducing delta and theta (slow) EEG activity, while simultaneously increasing vigilance, attention and memory.

The effect of Piracetam can be increased if taken with DMAE, Centrophenoxine, Choline or Hydergine. When Choline and Piracetam are taken together there is a synergistic effect that causes a greater improvement in memory than the sum of each when taken alone.


  • the-aspirantthe-aspirant المشرف العام
    تم تعديل 2010/09/12
    مشكورة دكتورة....هل يمكننا القول بأن هذه المجموعة الجديدة من الأدوية ستحل محل الجينكوبيلوبا ؟؟ ومتى سنجدها في السوق العربية؟؟
  • nehadnehad مشرف منتدى التغذية و الطب البديل
    تم تعديل 2010/09/12
    هذه الأدوية موجودة في سورية وصناعة وطنية
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/09/12
    اهللللللللللللللللللين دوك اسبيرنت والله طاله غيبتك ... منور ... بالنسبه للدوا هو كمان موجود عندنا فى مصر ومن ضمن الادويه الاساسيه فى كل روشتات الاعصاب ....

    ويلكم دوك نهاد ماتطول بغيبتك .... برمضان كان دوامك هنا قليل لكن شرفنى مرورك