
PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
تم تعديل 2010/09/03 في أدوية Drugs

Liquifilm tears eye drops contain the active ingredient polyvinyl alcohol, which is a type of medicine known as an eye lubricant. It is used for the treatment of the symptoms of dry eye (such as soreness, burning, irritation or dryness) caused by your eye not producing enough tears to keep the eye wet.

Tears consist of a slightly alkaline fluid that is spread across the eye by blinking. The tear film is kept stable by mucin which is secreted by a thin membrane covering the front of the eye, called the conjunctiva.

Dry eyes result from a reduced production of tears, a reduced production of mucin by the conjunctiva, or increased evaporation of tears from the surface of the eye.

Reduced tear production is common in elderly people, but can also occur in some diseases or as a side effect of certain types of medicines.

Increased evaporation of tears can occur in thyroid disease, or from disorders affecting the eyelid or other parts of the eye.

These problems make the film of tears that covers the eye become unstable, allowing it to break into dry spots between blinks, rather than remaining spread across the eye to keep it moist.

Polyvinyl alcohol works by decreasing the surface tension of the tears so that they spread more easily over the surface of the eye and don't break into dry spots. It also has properties similar to the natural mucin produced by the conjunctiva, which soothes and lubricates the eye and enhances the stability of the tear film.

Liquifilm tears eye drops are available in a small bottle or in single-use vials which are preservative free.

What is it used for?

Dry eye conditions.

Dryness of the eye surface (cornea) and lining of the eye socket (conjunctiva) due to reduced tear production (keratoconjunctivitis sicca).


  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/09/02
    طيب مو ممكن تسبب حرقة بالعين ؟بإعتبارها خافضة للتورتر السطحي ؟!
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/09/03
    !!!!!!! هى بتخفض التوتر السطحى حتى يساعدها على الانتشار .... وبتعالج حرقه العين مش بتسببها

    ايه علاقه تخفيض التوتر السطحى بانو يعمل حرقه بالعين ؟؟؟!!!!
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/09/03
    لان خافضات التوتر السطحي بتنقص من قدرة السائل الدمعي على حماية العين فبيسهل تخريش العين بالسواغات الموجودة بالمستحضر...
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/09/03
    أمممممممم .... مش عندى فكره حتى المقال مل يزكر له اثار جانبيه