thioctic acid

PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
تم تعديل 2010/07/31 في أدوية Drugs

( Alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid, vitamin N

Also known as thioctic acid, alpha-lipoic acid is a naturally occurring compound that is synthesized by plants and animals including humans.
Lipoic acid is a ''non-vitamin" nutrient that is essential to life. It is not classified as a vitamin because it is produced in the body.

It is generally involved in oxidative decarboxylations of keto acids and is presented as a growth factor for some organisms.

Alpha-lipoic acid is a disulfide compound that is a cofactor in vital energy-producing reactions in the body.

The body appears to be able to manufacture enough alpha-lipoic acid for its metabolic functions, but the excess levels provided by supplements allow alpha-lipoic acid to circulate in a free state.

Although alpha lipoic acid is involved in cellular energy production, its chief role as a dietary supplement may be as a powerful antioxidant.

Unlike other antioxidants, lipoic acid is both fat and water-soluble and is easily absorbed and transported across cell membranes. This unique quality offers protection against free radicals both inside and outside the cell while other antioxidants only provide extracellular protection.

Lipoic acid has the ability to regenerate other antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C and GSH for further use after they have eradicated free radicals.

Lipoic acid is an antioxidant, which means it neutralizes naturally occurring, but harmful, chemicals known as free radicals. Free radicals are high-energy, very unstable chemical substances and are known to damage the cells, DNA, proteins and essential fats in the body.

Alpha-lipoic acid boosts glutathione levels in cells, has potent antioxidant action in almost all the tissues of the body, and is a co-factor for some of the key enzymes involved in generating energy from food and oxygen in mitochondria.

Alpha-lipoic acid functions, uses, and health benefits

Alpha-lipoic acid helps to neutralize the effects of free radicals on the body. Free radicals are waste products the body creates when food is turned into energy. The body can use some free radicals, but too many can reduce immunity needed to fight infection, cancer, and heart disease.

Alpha-lipoic acid works together with other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. It is important for growth, helps to prevent cell damage, and helps the body rid itself of harmful substances.

Alpha-lipoic acid supplements hold promise for treating various disorders, including HIV infection, liver ailments, and glaucoma.

Lipoic acid shows evidence of being effective in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy and may be useful in treating some other aspects of diabetes.

In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, this hard-working nutrient assists the B vitamins in producing energy from the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats consumed through foods.

Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that may result in decreased sensitivity, numbness, and pain, particularly in the lower extremities. Alpha-lipoic acid may help to block such damage. Because of its effect on glucose metabolism, lipoic acid my improve the glucose-lowering action of insulin.

In conjunction with other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid may be doubly helpful in patients with diabetes. Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathology of diabetic neuropathy, and alpha-lipoic acid is approved for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy in Germany.

Alpha-lipoic acid may improve long-term memory. Because alpha-lipoic acid can pass easily into the brain, it has protective effects on brain and nerve tissue and shows promise as a treatment for stroke and other brain disorders involving free radical damage.

As an antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid holds promise for protecting the body against changes in healthy cells that lead to cancer. The evidence for this cancer-preventive effect is still preliminary, however. Alpha-lipoic acid may benefit anyone whose limbs tend to tingle or become numb, or "fall asleep" due to nerve compression.

Alpha-lipoic acid may prove useful in the treatment of chronic hepatitis because it relieves stress on the liver and helps rid the body of toxins. As an antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid shields the liver from potentially harmful cell changes and assists it in flushing toxins from the body. This makes it useful in treating such liver disorders as chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis

Sources of alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is mainly derived from dietary sources. Most alpha-lipoic acid in food is derived from lipoamide-containing enzymes and is bound to the amino acid, lysine (lipoyllysine).

Good food sources of alpha-lipoic acid include spinach, broccoli, beef, yeast (particularly Brewer's yeast), and certain organ meats (such as the kidney and heart).

Animal tissues that are rich in lipoyllysine include kidney, heart, and liver, while plant sources that are rich in lipoyllysine include spinach, broccoli, and tomatoes.

Supplemental doses of alpha-lipoic acid are hundreds of times higher than the amounts that can be obtained from food, and should be considered pharmacologic rather than physiologic doses.

لذا على كل مرضى القلب وارتفاع نسبه الكوليسترل فى الدم .... ومرضى الكبد .... الاهتمام بوجباتهم الغذائيه والاكثار من تناول الاطعمه المفيده والتى تحتوى ع عناصر ومركبات مفيده لصحتهم


  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/07/30
    مقال مفيد جداً الله يعطيكي العافية فارما ..بس حابب قول إنو المواد تصنف على أنها فيتامينات أو لاء حسب الحاجة اليومية لها و ليس حسب منشؤها......
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/07/30
    اهلا .... اشكرك دوك حازم .... بعد مرورك لازم نوضح حاجه مهمه

    معنى كلمه vitamin

    اولا هى اسمها vitamin وليس vitamine حيث ان كلمه vita = life

    اول عالم اكتشف المركبات دى اسمو Funk وعندنا وجد انو المركبات دى تحتوى ع ذره N اطلق عليه vitamine لكن العالم Drummond كان له رأى تانى لانو وجد اغلب المركبات دى لسيت عباره عن amines لعدم احتوائها ع N atom وبالتالى اطلق عليها كلمه vitamin

    vitamins are organic compounds essential for normal physciological process in human & animals
    they can`t synthesized by an organism but supplied via diet
  • nehadnehad مشرف منتدى التغذية و الطب البديل
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    معلومة جديدة شكرا لكم
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    أنا مافهمت فارما ليش الفيتامين هو vitamin و ليس vitamine أنا قرايها مرة هيك و مرة هيك !!!

    بالنسبة للتعريف حاسس إنو التعريف غير شامل تماما لمعنى الفيتامينات ...
  • PharmakonPharmakon عضو ذهبي
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    لا الكتابه الاصح لكمه فيتامين وحتى ازا قريت مقال بالانجلش هتلاقيه vitamin وليس vitamine لانها مش كل الفيتامينات amine علشان كده غلطت نكتبها فى اخرها حرف e.......

    بالنسبه للتعريف .......
    vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism.

    In other words, an organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and the particular organism.

    For example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animals, and biotin and vitamin D are required in the human diet only in certain circumstances

    By convention, the term vitamin does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals (which are inorganic), essential fatty acids or essential amino acids (which are needed in larger amounts than vitamins), nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health, but are otherwise required less often.

    Thirteen vitamins are presently universally recognized.

    ده نعريف الويكبيديا لكلمه فيتامين قريب من التعريف اللى انا كتبتو وكمان كلمه فيتامين مكتوبه vitamin
  • dr.Hazemdr.Hazem مدير عام
    تم تعديل 2010/07/31
    شكراً على التوضيح فارما ..