Metoclopramide HCL

dr.joandr.joan عضو ماسي
تم تعديل 2009/07/02 في أدوية الطوارئ Emergency drugs
Metoclopramide HCL:
Trade names: Pramin
Class: Anti-emetics
Pregnancy: (Category B)
It is dopamine receptor antagonist acts both centrally & peripherally,
centrally due to the effect in the CTZ ( inhibition) , Peripherally it
stimulate the motility of the upper GIT without affecting gastric &
biliary or pancreatic secretions. It relaxes the pyloric sphincter &
increases the peristalsis of the duodenum resulting in accelerated
gastric emptying & intestinal transit
  • Digestive disorders leading to relief GIT pain , Dyspepsia & regurgitation in peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis & postanasthetic vomiting.
  • Nausea & vomiting as in chemotherapy.
  • Facilitate diagnostic procedure e.g. barium meal.

by mouth, or by intramuscular injection or by intravenous injection over 1–2 minutes, 10 mg (5 mg in young adults 15–19 years under 60 kg) 3 times daily; CHILD up to 1 year (up to 10 kg) 1 mg twice daily, 1–3 years (10–14 kg) 1 mg 2–3 times daily, 3–5 years (15–19 kg) 2 mg 2–3 times daily, 5–9 years (20–29 kg) 2 mg 3 times daily, 9–14 years (30 kg and over) 5 mg 3 times daily
Note. Daily dose of metoclopramide should not normally exceed 500 micrograms/kg, particularly for children and young adults.
ü Seizure (epilepsy) ,
ü Pheochromocytoma , &
ü Intestinal obstruction.
Side effects:
ü GI disturbances,
ü transient hypertension,
ü supraventricular tachycardia,
ü dizziness &
ü extrapyramidal effect “convulsion”.
Nursing considerations:
§ Don’t give pramin to patients with epilepsy, pheochromocytomes or patients with intestinal obstruction.
§ Administer oral medication 30 minutes before meal & at bed time .
§ Administer I.V. injection slowly over 1-2 minutes.
§ Be aware of the extrapyramidal symptoms specially in children