Clindamycin phosphate

dr.joandr.joan عضو ماسي
تم تعديل 2009/06/26 في أدوية الطوارئ Emergency drugs
Clindamycin phosphate:
Trade name: Dalacin
Class: antibiotic, clindamycin
Pregnancy: (Category B)

Action: suppress protein synthesis by microorganisms by binding to ribosomes. It is both bacteriostatic & bactericidal.
  • Serious respiratory tract infections. (lung abscess, pneumonia).
  • Serious skin infections.
  • Septicemia.
  • Osteomyelitis caused by staphylococci.
  • Used topically for inflammatory acne vulgaris .
Dose : by mouth, 150–300 mg every 6 hours; up to 450 mg every 6 hours in severe infections; CHILD, 3–6 mg/kg every 6 hours
Patients should discontinue immediately and contact doctor if diarrhea develops; capsules should be swallowed with a glass of water.
By deep intramuscular injection or by intravenous infusion, 0.6–2.7 g daily (in 2–4 divided doses); life-threatening infection, up to 4.8 g daily; single doses above 600 mg by intravenous infusion only; single doses by intravenous infusion not to exceed 1.2 g
CHILD over 1 month, 15–40 mg/kg daily in 3–4 divided doses; severe infections, at least 300 mg daily regardless of weight.

  • Hypersensitivity
  • Minor bacterial infections.
  • Pregnancy.
Side effects:
· Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus.
· Loss of weight, pseudo membranous colitis, skin rashes.
· Hypotension.
· Thrombophlebitis following I.V. use.
Nursing considerations:
  • Give parenteral drug to hospitalized client only.
  • Dilute I.V. injections. If I.M., inject medication deeply.
  • Don’t refrigerate solution (because it becomes thick) .
  • Before use, take full history & not signs of allergy.
  • Be prepared to manage colitis which can occur 2-9 days or several weeks after initiation of therapy. Which includes: fluids, electrolytes, Protein supplement, corticosteroids, and Vancomycin (as ordered).
  • During I.V. administration, observe for signs of hypotension.
  • Administer only on an empty stomach. (With a full glass of water to prevent esophageal ulceration).