Dentistry has come a long way, and we'll use all the technology at our disposal to save your natural teeth. But unfortunately, some situations exist where teeth have been so badly damaged by decay that our only option is to remove them.

The roots of your teeth extend down into your jawbone. A restoration called a crown is often used to cover, protect and restore a tooth that's been damaged by decay. The crown fits over the part of the tooth that's above the bone; this means there needs to be an adequate amount of healthy tooth structure above the gums for us to attach the crown.

However, if half of your tooth or more has been damaged by decay, we reach a point when there just isn't enough tooth structure left for us to restore your tooth with a crown. If this is the case, we have no choice but to remove what remains of the tooth.

To protect your remaining teeth, it's important to fill the space that's left by an extracted tooth. This will prevent the adjoining teeth from shifting to fill the space left by the extracted tooth. It's vital that we prevent this shifting, because it can cause a chain reaction of problems that affect your entire mouth.

This space can be filled with a bridge or a dental implant. We'll discuss these options with you, answer any questions you might have, and then together we'll choose the option that will work best for your situation.